Akron/family (US) Anne Grete Preus (NO) Appaloosa (UK/FRA) Asel & Skatebård (NO) Bear In Heaven (US) Beth Hart (US) Beth Jeans-houghton (UK) Callmekat (DK) Chooglin (US) Dave Cloud & The Gospel Of Power (US) Definition Of Ill (NO) Dengue Fever (US) Don Mclean (US) Donkeyboy (NO) Duke Garwood (uk) Eilen Jewell (US) Femi Kuti & The Positive Force (NG) Fujiya & Miyagi (UK) Hayseed Dixie (US) Hymns: Sigvart Dagsland/Lew Soloff/Snowy White/Iver Kleive (NO) Hypnotic Brass Ensemble (US) Ila Auto (NO) Ingenting (SE) Instrumenti (LAT) Jace Everett (US) Jaga Jazzist (NO) John Olav Nilsen & Gjengen (NO) Jonas Fjeld & Henning Kvitnes (NO) Karpe Diem (NO) Klubb Kannibal (NO) Kvelertak (NO) La Fleure Fatale (SWE) Lars Vaular (NO) Les Tambours Du Bronx (FRA) Lindstrøm & Christabelle (NO) Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Trio: Mm3 (US) Manic Street Preachers (UK) Mayer Hawthorne & The County (US) Megaphonic Thrift (NO) Melissa Horn (SE) Melody Gardot (US) Mike Simonetti (US) Nabovarsel (NO) Naïve New Beaters (FRA) New York Dolls (US) Pastor (NO) Portico Quartet (UK) Purified In Blood (NO) Randy Newman (US) Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band (US) Scams (UK) Scott H. Biram (US) Serena Maneesh (NO) Sgt. Petter (NO) Slim Cessna’s Auto Club (US) Stornoway (UK) Susanna & The Magical Orchestra (NO) The Heavy (UK) The Paladins (US) The Proclaimers (UK) The Residents (US) The Souljazz Orchestra (CAN) The Unthanks (UK) The Very Best (FR/SWE/MALAWI) Thomas Dybdahl (NO) Thåström (SE) Ultravox (UK) Veronica Maggio (SE) Warsaw Village Band (POL) Willy Clay Band (SE)